Climate Responsive Design

| MA Seminar – WS 2017/18 |

Climate-responsive design takes advantage of specific local climate and surroundings to maximize user comfort and passive strategies. Therefore it is a strategy that offers solutions to a sustainable built environment and moreover has a high relevance on the design itself. Applying climate responsive design principles in the design process leads to buildings that inherently contribute to the local architecture and cultural identity and differentiates itself from globalized architecture.

Within this context, the main emphasis of the seminar is the investigation on the interplay between location, ecology, material, space and form. Starting point is the analysis of the local climate, the cultural setting and the availability of resources. In workshops, the interdisciplinary teams develop building designs responding to different climatic contexts. The objective is to enable an intuitive access and deepen the understanding for challenges and opportunities of ecology, building technology and building physics aspects in the build environment.

The seminar is set-up as an interdisciplinary and international education and idea’s platform bringing various disciplines and students together to work as a team to develop a climate responsive design.

Therefore MA architecture students from the Stuttgart state academy of art and design will work together with students from the IUSD MSc program (Course: Sustainable Architecture I) of the university of Stuttgart. They both will collaborate in mixed teams with the KlimaEngineering Fellows of the Transsolar Academy, who will support the integrated design process with the help of various simulation tools. Multiple team workshops along the design process will facilitate the exchange and cooperation.

Master of Arts in Architecture Seminar – Sondergebiete des klimagerechten Bauens,  Lehrangebot Schwerpunkt Design_Technologie Klasse für Architektur und Gebäudetechnologie,  Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rudolph,  Dipl.-Ing. Christian Degenhardt (AM), M.Sc.-PhD cand. Mohamed Amer (LB)